Changing habits
I never finish anything. I'm legendary around my family and friends for kicking some new project off and never quite ever managing to complete the task. Decoration, work projects, learning, cleaning, garden work; I have mounds of each of them sat waiting for me. I even have films, books and games sat at home that I've either not finished or that I've not even started because I know that I'll never get round to finishing them.
What's my standard solution to having not finished a project though? Start a new one, of course! Couldn't find the time to finish painting the skirting board? Why not install a new door somewhere so that you don't paint that too? Hell, you can even leave the handle off for the full effect. Ditto games and books. Why bother spending time grinding through airbases in Just Cause 2 when I could be playing something new? Why plough through the final Millenium book when there's another freebie available for my Kindle from Amazon ?
Things have to change. I can't expect to ever achieve anything if I can't ever put in that final 10% that's needed to push things off the "to-do" list and onto the "done" pile.
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