Habits and How to Form Them
Apologies, it's been over a week since my last post and even then those were only fillers.
Writing is something I enjoy and something I feel I'm reasonable at (although I know full well that I need to develop my skills a lot further) but getting into the habit of doing it every single day is something I find really difficult. I could blame the backlog of 70+ games or 200+ books but when it comes down to it I just can't trust myself to do what I should be doing at any given time. It wouldn't even be so bad if I were making a dent in my game and book collections but I'm not. Too often I'm sat pondering what I should really be doing next.
To try and stem this I've started trying to write something every day, no matter how minor. Whether it's a blog post like this, an account of somewhere myself and the family have been or an entry into my creative writing, I'm determined to get something down every single day. OnePagePerDay has a guideline of trying to fill an a4 side every 24 hours (about 750 words). That's probably not a bad target but I know I've struggled in the past to hit marks like that. I'm not going to beat myself up if I fail, but the more the better. I want to partake in NaNoWriMo again this year and as I'm away with the in-laws again I need to be able to write around 2k words every day. That's a shock to the system at the best of times but unless I'm used to having some kind of output each day I'll never make it.